Thursday, April 12, 2007

You sly dog! You got me monologuing!

Last night my roommates and I watched the pilot episode to what looks to be a promising series, Heroes. Set in modern day New York city, the show pulls on the age-old sci-fi fantasy scenario: what if humans have evolved to produce 'special' abilities? Not a new concept there; X-men (perhaps the most notable of such scenarios) was first published in 1963 and its current movie trilogy (the last one sadly disappointing, though as I've commented on many an occasion, had some beautiful pairs of jeans trotting/flying/running about...) was a smashing box-office success for the 21st century.

As I watched the show, mouth slack and jaw agape (there were some pretty grisly scenes that gave me gruesome nightmares that night) I wistfully recalled the many dreams I've had where I could fly. That has always been my one "if you could..." The freedom of the skies, the lack of hindrance to such banalities as roads, the ability to go when and where you want, no physical gravitational limitations, and of course, no capes. I would love to go soaring over the fjords, the crags, the mountains, the oceans, drag my fingers through the water (yes, cheesy movie scenes and all) touch the top of the Himalayas, rest for a bit in the Amazon rainforest, before taking off again to see the Great Wall of China and pay homage to my ancestors.

I suppose this is including the caveat of supersonic flight but hey, as long as I'm fantasizing... plus if I had to have my superpower to make me a "hero" I might as well toss in the ability to throw fireballs (a la *Mortal Kombat). I've always wanted to do that too. :) Perfect combination of both defensive and offensive capabilities.

So, gentle readers, I now pass the blogging torch to you: if you could possess any superhero power, what would it be and why? Don't feel limited to the typical "indestructible", "invisible", "stretchy", etc etc... some characters can turn into purple guinea pigs. The sky's the limit! (please, slap your knee for me...)

*errata, May 5, 2007: I was informed by two coworkers that fireballs are, in fact, a la Streetfighter 2. Mortal Kombat was more the "GET OVER HERE!" whilst ripping off heads and pulling out spinal cords. That is all.


Christina said...

Ah, Jen...welcome to the world of "Heroes". It is truly, truly a marvelous show...and I will say no more...except...KEEP WATCHING!!

I've been watching the show from the beginning and have had many a chance to ask myself what power I would have, "if I could..." I've also had so many dreams that I could fly that I thought maybe I'd like that power, but in my dreams it's more like I'm swimming through the air, usually to get away from something/someone, so I nixed that idea. So...what power would I choose? Honestly? I'd love to have Hiro's power...bending time and space and teleportation? But yeah, I'd want some defensive powers too, so how about we throw in supersonic screaming that incapacitates your opponent long enough for you to teleport outta there? I don't actually want to hurt people, so as long as I could hang them up and get away or save someone else in danger, then I think I'd be good w/ that. Please keep in mind that all of this is bound to change the minute someone mentions something better. (Ooo, maybe my superpower should be the ability to make decisions and stick to them? Bah!)

Aaron, Vicki Tunell said...

So, I'll have to go with a fairly typical boring choice, reading minds and invisibility. I would love that combination, although it makes me sound like a psycho, I want to listen in on your conversations without your knowing about it...oh well. I still say that would be the coolest for me!! Love you Jen!

Anonymous said...

I'd actually be down with some Jedi-mind trick skillz, you know, like being able to tell someone to get me candy and then they'd do it.

("I want to get Dude some candy right now . . . .")

Turning invisible and reading minds would be pretty cool. Oh wait. I can already do that -- I drink Noni Juice.

Unprofessional Chef said...

The ultimate combo: telepathy and can't go wrong there...of course, you'd have to have both to be ultra-cool.

It's true, I have an addictive personality when it comes to tv...and I've been hooked on Heroes since I downloaded the pilot off iTunes...and watched the rest of the season thus far in less than three days. An excellent choice in how to spend free time.

Asian Keng said...

UPC-- Telepathy and telekinesis... isn't that what Jean Grey had in X-men? Add in the third "T" of totally hot and you've got an indestructible superhero. I can't remember what happened to her in X3 though, I think she died... I blocked the movie out of my memory.

Dude-- Wouldn't it be cooler to just have the ability to conjure up candy when you want it, instead of waiting for someone to get it for you? I had no idea Noni juice was that potent, I'm gonna have to jump on that...

Vicki-- I'll be watching my back. Love you too! :)

Christina-- You're too peace loving to be a TRUE super hero... don't you know that in the movies mass destruction is an inevitable by-product of super powers?!

Anonymous said...

On paper, your idea makes sense.

However, like, with Jedi-mind trick skillz, I can get people to do other things besides just getting me candy.

Like, for example, I could get some dillweed in my class attend a lecture with a jockstrap around his or her head.

("Yes, I want to wear a jockstrap around my head . . . .")

Asian Keng said...


I know you're talking about Nelly.

jr said...

I wouldn't mind having a genie with an unlimited number of wishes (maybe it isn't technically a superpower, but I bet i could use on of my wishes on some cool temporary superpowers so that i just have what i need when i need it ... and I could wish for freshly baked cookies, or brownie batter)

Wendi said...

Perfect Question. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (Ak, you know why.)

According to this website:

I am the Flash: "Fast, flirtatious, and athletic."

Yup, I'll take that. I can defy certain laws of physics.

kersina said...

i remember in 4th grade wanting to be able to stop time. there was a TV show and i can't remember what it's called, but the main character's name was evie. she could stop time by putting her hands together a certain way. i've always wanted to be able to do that. i don't know that it would accomplish much since when time started again things resumed their normalcy.

Asian Keng said...

Fantastic, I just tested at 95% Spiderman: "You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility." I can deal with that, though I might have to question the quiz as directed towards female, as I'm not entirely positive how a male is supposed to answer the question of "do you wear a pushup bra?"...

Oh no Kersina, you obviously haven't seen Heroes! The ability to stop time is apparently (in our household opinion) one of the most powerful abilities out there. You pause time, switch everything around, and resume it again to your advantage. Or y'know, saving lives... whatever.

JR, you could just get yourself a really nice wife that provides a constant supply of said cookies/brownie batter... some fantasies are more achievable than others. :)

Unprofessional Chef said...

Wendi! You may be Schindler's List to my Hitler, but when it comes to saving the world, we're both the Flash! Hooray!

Anonymous said...

How about the ability to think yourself somewhere. Like you just think of a location and bam, there you are. Also I've always wanted to blow stuff up just by touching it like Gambit on X-men.
P.S. If you want to watch and entertaining and time-worthy show then tune into Man vs. Wild on Sunday nights.