Saturday, April 07, 2007

A peepshow...

Two and a half years ago a relationship between a now-BFF and myself was cemented with vermilion Peeps. The story is long and intricate and you can ask me for details if you so wish, but suffice to say that over the years, Peeps have worked their soft fluffy way into my life over and over again, culminating in a purchase just this very morning at Bath and Body Works, completed with a chirpy "you get a free box of Peeps with your purchase today!" My response: "Um, seriously...?" "Yes, and you're very lucky, because this is the last box!" "Wow. I don't know how my day could possibly get any better..."

Oh it has, my friends, it just has. Bet you had no idea these little buggers were so scientifically intriguing. Since I now have a box of bright yellow originals, I am going to host a Peep war, time yet to be determined... all observers welcome! We can relive the glory days of yore!!


Wendi said...


I evidently underestimated "the peep." No longer.

Michelle said...

I once had an awkward relationship that was immediately improved by an evening of microwaving peeps and watching them blow up.

To this day, I keep a small supply of peeps in the cupboard, just in case I need an urgent bonding experience...

haha, I'm so weird.