Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Yesterday I fell asleep on the Metro on the way to school (as usual.) When I awoke, I was ocularly accosted with this:

If this isn't a bulbous bouffant, I don't know what is.

World Market is now selling McVitie's Digestives. In milk chocolate and caramel. Run, don't walk and get some now. What are you waiting for?!


Anonymous said...

I thought we talked about your falling asleep on the Metro - It's a safety issue :)

Asian Keng said...

JR--Aww, thanks for caring, but lest you forget, I am Asian. People are afraid to molest me.

CJ--Law libraries are for studying law!!! What are you doing reading BLOGS? Unless it's at 3 am... is the Chicago law library open 24 hours a day like BYU??

Cabeza said...

Where is this World Market?? I must have McVitties! They're not exorbitantly expensive, are they?