Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Help me out here?

My roommate and I saw this the other day and it immediately sparked a debate:

(sorry, the quality isn't great)

So, if it was you, would you be more angry at your significant other, or your good friend for cheating with your significant other on you?? Discuss.


Unprofessional Chef said...

umm..hello? Equally mad at both!! Has Grey's Anatomy taught us nothing?

CJ said...

I'm also thinking both, but if forced to choose, I'd go with the significant other b/c isn't that supposed to be a more intimate relationship?

Wendi said...

Why, of course, both! But having to choose, umm ... the one I am closest to...

UPC - We have some GA talking to do when we get together. The million dollar question: Derek or Fenn?

Johanna said...

The significant other, well that is unless you are madder at the friend...

Dani said...

1. I'd dump his trash right away - so the anger would be gone, still hurt, but DONE!
2. I'd be much more angry w/ the best friend - though possibly more forgiving in the long term- I won't be sleeping with the best friend anytime soon! :-)

Anonymous said...

You don't get to call me a whore.

Wendi said...

Dude - if that was the only GA scene you have ever seen, it was definitely one of the finest.