Friday, August 04, 2006

What's happenin, hot stuff?

As I said, literally inundated with blog material! (We're going on four straight blogging days here... the milestones simply pile up.) Today, I present to you the official yardstick by which you can truly judge whether or not everyone does love an Asian girl.

I challenge you to take the test and see how you stack up to yours truly, the actual native Asian girl. Before you start quaking in your shoes and tears of fear well up in your eyes, know that I myself didn't get them all right. How many did I miss? Well, take the test, let me know how you did, and we can compare answers.

PS I just discovered that Long Duk Dong was born in Ogden Utah. I wonder...


kayc said...

Shoot. "Obviously you can't tell the difference."

I think they should give me some credit for improvement...I guessed the last 5 in a row correctly!

Warren said...

I got 10 out of 18 so I am okay. But I think it was more luck than anything.

Dani said...

Very Bad! 7...and the ones I got right were at the point where I had just started random sorting!

Wendi said...

It looks like 7 is the lucky number ... or in this case "average."

(P.S. Rumor has it AK got below a 10 -- she won't divulge numbers but <10 is confirmed.)

MF said...

Guess who got 10?

Anonymous said...

Rolling with a 6.

Anonymous said...

Just so everyone knows, Kerstin got a 10. I can't tell you what I got though...haha.