Thursday, June 07, 2007

Just the five. Husbands should be like Kleenex: soft, strong, and disposable

Wmchicago posted a great blog a little while back (seriously, how many home runs can you hit in a row?!) about awesome t-shirts. My immediate response was my latest acquisition, an automatic conversation starter in a room full of people when you don't feel like doing the actual work, and social filter that percolates the morons from... well, everyone else. It's like when I used to wear my Guster t-shirt(s) on BYU campus, hoping to find fellow Gusterrhoids... my Posse and I used to have two questions to determine Potential Friendship: 1) Do you like curry? and 2) Do you like Guster? Which worked well until I met someone who loved curry AND Guster and turned out to be a psycho-freak anyway... I dropped my criteria after that.

Anyway, I digress. Thinking upon awesome t-shirts dredged up the memory of my Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt collection which still continues, in moderation, to this day. My very first HRC shirt was purchased in none other than Washington, D.C. at the tender age of um, eighth grade (12? 13?) Sadly it was retired to the rag sack somewhere around the beginning of college.

This led me to ponder on the other collections I've had over the years. I'm quite a serial collector; I like things that come in sets, because you don't have to exert the mental power every time to decide whether or not you want it... it's automatically cool by association. So yes, here we go, another bulleted list for your review:
  • The Babysitters Club: Oh yeah, I was totally subject to the fads of the day. I completely remember the day they announced that The Babysitters Club were the most popular books in our fifth grade French Road Elementary School and how we shrieked (the pre-pubescent boys groaning... they'll never learn). Remember how the girls on the covers of the books looked to be about twenty-five, when really they were only supposed to be eleven and thirteen...? Creepy. I was sent this blog a few months ago by some friends from the third grade. We relived memories. In the same category (pre-teen books) fall Sweet Valley High, Fear Street by R.L. Stine, anything by Christopher Pike, and carried to today, Harry Potter, The Bartimaeus Trilogy, and The Chronicles of Narnia.
  • Trolls: This really is one of those "ew, what was I thinking?!" fads. Yes, I was completely swept up in the marketing campaigns of the early 90's. I think my mom mercifully threw them all away when we moved two years ago, though I wonder how much they'd fetch on eBay... remind me what the point of those were again?
  • Hard Rock Cafe T-shirts and pins: My navy blue L.L.Bean backpack used to be my display case of all my awesome pins until my favorite one, a first edition Taipei Chiang Kai-Shek memorial, fell off and was forever lost. Now they're all in a little plastic baggie... somewhere... off of the top of my head I have paraphenelia from 15 different cities. This is the one collection I've kept up, as said before. I'm such a nerd.
  • The requisite Barbies, My Little Ponies... Moon...beams? They were dolls that glowed in the dark. I had two of those. They were precious to me.
  • Beanie Babies: I didn't quite fall prey to this as much as others (my freshman roommate literally owned every single one... I guess being a multi-millionaire from Kansas leaves you with very little else to do) but I still own a Garcia Peace bear and a shark. It's the only one at the time that actually had a mouth. We used to attack ourselves with it in middle-school orchestra. I know. I know. Nerd.
I know you've got all sorts of collections out there, don't deny it. This days I mostly collect Patak's curry pastes and cool colored pens from Taiwan. And shoes...

Fess up!


becks said...

Wow! I totally have "blog post" envy right now. Fabulous idea, Asian Keng:) Holler! I'll make a quick list of some of my collections, both past and present, that come immediately to mind. I'll be making additions later, I'm sure.

1. Charms (You know, those plastic ones that you used to attach to a plastic chain and where around your neck in the 80s Lovely! Oh, and jelly bracelets, too.)

2. Little House on the Prairie, The Babysitter's Club, and Sweet Valley Twins books.

3. Madame Alexander Dolls

4. Books in general (I collect them. I don't necessarily read them all. Maybe someday . . .)

5. Lip Gloss (I currently have 10 different types of lip gloss/balm in my moderately small purse and more at home)

Anonymous said...

I might become more of a regular comment poster, now that I have a job where I literally do nothing but sit behind a desk and sort mail when it comes in at 11:30.

As for former collections I haven't had that many. But here are the ones I can think of.
1. Pez dispensers. They're cheap and you get candy with every purchase. I still have them and pride myself in my complete collection of the Star Wars series.

2. Pogs. Quite possibly the most pointless game ever invented. But it was fourth grade and I had to fit in.

3. Legos. I contribute all my success in math, problem solving, and designing to these building blocks of life.

Now I mostly collect wierd shoes which I contribute to my time in Taiwan.

Warren said...

I have 11 Rubik's Cubes, only 2 of which are the traditional 3x3x3 (Yes there are many varieties. This guy is the hardest, except for the 12 sided one I can't completely solve.).

I have 8 different pointers.
Your everyday regular pointer
pointer spoon
pointer fork
pointer magnet
pointer magnet w/swivel
pointer back scratcher
pointer alligator clip
pointer mirror

Don't ask the amount of time Jared and I have spent combined gathering these over the years.

Unprofessional Chef said...

Looking back through time I see three words staring ominously back at me: garbage pail kids. I wasn't the biggest collecter (I never did get my hands on a mint condition Snotty Suzie), but I had a few...until my mom decided they were not a wholesome use of allowance or time.

I also collected baseball cards for a while, but it couldn't fill the gaping void of GPK.

Did I totally just date myself?

Wendi said...

My siblings made sure I never collected dolls. They wanted a "cool tomboy" baby sister, so I had one Barbie to my name. But, that's what friends were for...I, on the other hand, had every stuffed animal imaginable.

And, I totally had Garbage Pail Kids cards. Funny that is one collection that seems to be missing from the boxed archives of all of my stuff so generously stored by my parents. My mom never did like GPK. Coincidence? Hmm.

Pound puppies.

Books. Books. Books.

Hyper-colored everything: t-shirts, mood rings, bracelets.


And, I hate to admit this... stamps at one time. I'm a nerd.

abbynormal said...

It's true, I was pretty bad with collecting things, too, back in the day...I believe the term commonly used today is packrat? Let's see if I can remember some of them...

1. Do Not Disturb signs from hotels.

2. CAUTION, FIRE LINE, CRIME SCENE, etc. tape, which I would pick up at the scene and plaster all over my bedroom door.

3. Bugs. For a brief period when I was in 6th grade. I was such a tomboy.

4. Stamps. Most of them already used.

5. Pins/keychains from places I've visited. I'd put them on my backpack too, until I lost one. Then I made the switch to...

6. Patches. I actually still do this. In the interest of saving space on my backpack, I've narrowed my patch-collecting tolerance down to foreign countries only.

7. Buttons from concerts I attend. This is a recent collecting fetish that I just picked up about a year ago. They are proudly displayed on my visor in my car.

Wow, I think that's enough.

Asian Keng said...

Wow. What awesome lists!!! Your collections are so much more fulfilling than mine...

Just for the record, stamps do not make you a nerd. Why would they nerdify you, when they are the most money-returning investment of all the items I've seen listed? My mom collected stamps for years and is now making a modest income (we're talking dollars here, not, like, hundreds or even tens of dollars) selling them on eBay.

Wow, abbynormal, you're a brave soul for collecting hotel signs and tape... I believe the correct term is "stealing"?

I had to wikipedia pogs. Was it a West coast thing or was I just terribly, terribly out of the loop?

My brother had Garbage Pail Kids cards. And when my mom banned them, he drew his own... I admit they were pretty good. Ah, we Kengs, potential explosions of artistry, funneled into careers of money counting and numbers...

I just remembered I also collected nail polish (my freshman boyfriend gave me nail polish for my birthday... a true sign of collection devotion) and shot glasses for a friend. My favorite was a BYU one I purchased at Walmart (or is it Wal*Mart?) in Orem... Oh, and I recently started a magnet collection of weird places I've visited, which explains the "KENTUCKY!" and "MINNESOTA!" magnets on our fridge. If you were wondering.

Asian Keng said...

Nobody will probably ever read this comment, but I just have to publicly thank my roommate for adding another Hard Rock gem to my t-shirt collection. Live on, San Antonio!!!

I love my roommate!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.