I have found that cereal-lovers tend to fall into two categories: Healthy Cereal Lovers and Fun Cereal Lovers. The Healthy Cereal Lovers (HCLs) gravitate towards the Raisin Bran, the Shredded Wheat, the Wheaties. I also consider Cracklin' Oat Bran and Basic 4 to fall into this category. The Fun Cereal Lovers (COOLs) go for the good stuff: Lucky Charms! Cocoa Puffs! Fruity Pebbles!! Fruit Loops, *reasonably* high in fiber! My old mission comp, visiting in town this past week, falls into the COOL category and professed a regret that she had yet to find true Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs. However, perusing the aisles of Giant let us to the discovery of Double Chocolate Cookie Crisp, which was almost the same, right??
Last night was the first time I actually had a chance to eat it how cereal was created; in a bowl, with milk (but it sure was a great post-church snack on Sunday afternoon!) Not wanting to be forced to choose between this delectable treat and my old standby favorite, loyally perched on top of the refrigerator, I combined the Cookie Crisp with my Lucky Charms (now with new sparkly marshmallows!)
I am one of the "my cereal must allll be wetted equally with milk before I can start eating it" proselyte, which can usually lead to semi-soggy cereal. This works best with Frosted Shredded Wheat (frosted, I said), as I usually pour and leave it standing for a few minutes before consuming. The knowledge is that my Lucky Charms usually get a tad wilted towards the bottom of the bowl, as it did last night, but much to my surprise and delight, the DCCC stayed crisp and crunchy to the very last bite. So delighted was I with this pleasant discovery that I was compelled to pour myself another bowl. Not to mention the leftover milk took on a consistency almost exactly like unto Nesquik chocolate milk. Of course, the crunchiness was probably due to the grams upon grams of trans fat in each bite, but fats aside... I need to write them a letter of appreciation.
So fess up folks... your favorite cereal???
you already know mine! anything with a bunch of sugar and other bad things. i think that the double chocolate cookie crisp is the closest i'll get to calvin's favorite.
Lucky Charms baby! The way the marshmallows get sort of slimy and turn the milk all sweet...yummmm! Quaker Oh's makes a close second and it also needs to be thoroughly wetted in milk for a few minutes before consuming! Long Live Lucky!
I represent the "healthy cereal lovers" -- Basic 4, Whole Wheat Chex, Autumn Harvest (kashi's shredded wheat), Crispy Wheats and Raisins, Grapenuts Trail Mix Crunch ... truly the list goes on.
Cereal is the best!
So if you're old companion is in the COOL category, what category are the "healthy cereal lovers?"
In answer to your question at the beginning of this blog...I don't love cereal. I mean, I always use to love Cinamon Toast Crunch, but recently I've discovered I don't like Cinamon. And all the other cereals just feel too heavy in my stomach for morning time. In fact, I don't really like any breakfast foods. This is why I loved Good Morning Breakfast so much in Taiwan...you can have a hamburger or chicken sandwich for a morning meal.
Hello! Can it get any better than Lucky Charms? I had a friend who would get two bowls of the stuff at a time, separate the marshmellows and cereal pieces and only eat a bowlful of marshmellows. If only I were that courageous. Although, I have to say that I have a not so secret love of grape nuts...with a nice big tablespoon of sugar.
CORN chex? Who lists corn chex as their favorite cereal? Oh all right, they make it for a reason... :P
Kersilla, this post was dedicated to you. Thank you for your participation.
Dani-- during the C2 New Member Orientation I attended two years ago, we were talking about our favorite cereal, and I mentioned Lucky Charms because it turns the milk green. Coiffed Sister Peterson was SO appalled. Hahaha...
Wendi-- Well, if Fun Cereal Lovers are "COOL", you can figure out the inverse... but whatever, you know I saw your box of Cocoa Puffs...
HR-- Dude, I LOVE Taiwanese breakfast food. Jian jiaos and fan tuans are my favorites. Nothing like some pan fried dumplings and rice balls to give you a kick start in the morning!
UPC-- Grape nuts are gross. the end.
I think I OD'ed on cereal sophomore year, back when we used to frequent the creepy Food4Less and get cheap imitation Lucky Charms in big bags...so I shy away from cereal these days. However, Golden Grahams is an all-time favorite. I'd do a lot of things for Golden Grahams.
AK -- Coca Puffs are dessert;)
UP - If you love Grape Nuts, you have to try Grape Nuts Trail Mix Crunch --a lighter crunch with raisins and almonds!
Post Script - Grape Nuts are not gross.
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