Saturday, May 20, 2006


I've watched this thing five times now and still can't stop laughing. Thank you, David Jacobus of Astoria, NY...

...and my boo for recommending it. Word, boo, word.

*click on 'fishing' at the end to perform your own luuuuures and jigs. Entertainment stock value varies anywhere from five seconds to five minutes, depending on company.*


kersina said...

where have you been? are you just now discovering the world of strongbadia? the first one i ever saw was "japanese cartoon" and it was within a week of fang xiang-ing. needless to say the whole asian connection was there. the lures and jigs is one of my personal favorites.

Asian Keng said...

Dude, 'Japanese Cartoon' is actually what finally brought me over. For years I resisted the "strongbad" movement because it was soooo mainstream. But apparently my stint of blue hair sparked more than reference to Japanese Cartoon, and after it was physically reenacted in whole by Boo and Accomplice, I finally succumbed and checked it out.

The conversion is complete. Any other StrongBad suggestions?

kersina said...

you've gotta see dragon. and there's one about pancakes that's good too. another personal favorite: caper. and disco.

Asian Keng said...

K-- I actually saw dragon right before I read your comment. It was awesome; anything with dragons in it has to be cool.

I just have to insert an addendum here on an observation I've made; since my discovery of homestarrunner, I have been amazed at how indicative the various different cartoons are of the humor tastes of my friends. When I watch them, I think, I can TOTALLY see why "x" loves this one...

Who knew that StrongBad was such an anthropological indicator?! I must tell the Census Bureau!

kayc said...

Is there something in the blogger handbook about commenting on a post that was two postings ago? I blame it on the fact that I only have access to the internet two days a week. Homestarrunner, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways: long pants, of course, and you know why (am I one of those friends known as x?), garage sale, secret recipes, replacement, sisters, cheatday, stupid stuff, and crying. Not really in order of preference. Watch crying for sure. Or maybe all of them for sure.

Asian Keng said...


I couldn't find disco. Caper was great. Very you, with the 80's hair bands and the lighters...


I watched crying, ferrills. And yes, you were on the list of friends named x. The social implications are definitely statistically significant...

Unknown said...

I was Googling myself this evening...and lo and behold I found this!

I am David Jacobus of Astoria, NY (although I no longer live in Queens). Glad I was able to cheer you up way back when!
