Sunday, May 07, 2006

Exit Interview

In a recent discussion with my roommate, we pontificated on the topic of dating (what else); more specifically, on post-relationship criteria. Not that I am really an expert on this, but we concluded that future relationships in general would be greatly assisted by an exit interview at the cessation of each boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, or, for my statistical mind, something like unto an exit poll. Wouldn't that be so helpful? A sample:

A) Are you:
1) male 2) female

B) Are you:
1) white 2) black 3) Hispanic/Latino 4) Asian 5) Other

C) When did you finally decide to date (insert name here)?
1) Love at first sight 2) After the first witty conversation 3) After the sixteenth witty conversation 4) After she stalked me for two weeks

D) Which ONE issue mattered most in deciding to date (insert name here)?
1) Beauty 2) Brawn 3) Testimony 4) Clothing style
5) Intelligence 6) Dancing capacity 7) Cooking abilities

E) Which ONE issue mattered most in deciding to terminate the relationship with (insert name here)?
1) The 76th "whatcha doin?" phone call 2) The 6 hour BBC Pride and Prejudice she made you watch 3) Disrespect on the basketball 4) The love fern she gave you

F) Are you of Hispanic/Latino descent?
1) Yes 2) No

G) Do you like me?
1) Yes 2) No 3) Maybe

See? Wouldn't filling one of these out be so much more indicative for me to continue to my next relationship with a 95% accuracy of success or failure, given a margin of error of +/- 35%?

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